Always make a thumbnail with the greatest depth that is needed to accurately represent a graphic, in addition to a black & white thumbnail which may be viewed on all machines.
Note: This setting is the recommended choice for general-purpose use.
Always make a thumbnail with the greatest depth that is needed to accurately represent a graphic.
Select all thumbnail depths.
Note: If all thumbnail depths are used, it will produce large catalog files.
Always make black & white thumbnails.
Note: Black & white thumbnails may be viewed on any machine.
Note: Black & white images usually look best as eight-bit grayscale thumbnails.
Always make eight-bit thumbnails.
Note: These can only be viewed on machines with Color QuickDraw.
Note: For color images, the System palette is used.
Always make 16-bit thumbnails.
Note: These may only be viewed on machines with 32-Bit Color QuickDraw.
Note: If made with QuickTime installed, these are only viewable on machines with QuickTime; however, without QuickTime, they use more disk space.
Always make 32-bit thumbnails.
Note: These may only be viewed on machines with 32-Bit Color QuickDraw.
Note: If made with QuickTime installed, these are only viewable on machines with QuickTime; however, without QuickTime, they use more disk space.